Construction Documents [4]

After concluding the Design Development of a project, two main processes can occur before construction administration:

Instructions for Bidding:

We develop a set of documents and drawings called "Instructions for Bidding" to offer a higher amount of detail and specifications for the contractor to build the project as designed. During this phase, we specify every aspect of a design to avoid misunderstandings. These specifications might include but are not limited to finishes, plumbing fixtures, decorative lighting accessories, appliances, joint details, and others.


Construction Documents development:

The Construction Document Sets are an extensive set of sheet drawings to cover every aspect and detail of the project. Each CD drawing set and details will vary for every project as well as the data required to finish the construction. Generally, the CDS includes:

  1. Key Notes & Notes to the Contractor

  2. Title Sheet

  3. Site Plan

  4. Existing Condition & Demolition Drawings (if it is a renovation or reconstruction project)

  5. Architectural Floor Plans

  6. Roof Plan

  7. Furnished Floor Plan

  8. Reversed Ceiling Plan

  9. Architectural Elevations

  10. Architectural Sections

  11. Key Interior Elevations

  12. Door & Window Schedules

  13. Interior Schedules

  14. Consultant Drawings (including Structural Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering)